

De doble filo. On the grotesque in the visual arts, by Mariano Akerman

Motif from the central panel of Three Studies for Figures at the Base of a Crucifixion (Francis Bacon, 1944) and its visual source of inspiration from Maladies de la bouche (Ludwig Grünwald, 1903). Original research. Comparison by Mariano Akerman. 2008. All rights reserved.

DOUBLE-EDGED 1. Having two edges that can be used; having two cutting edges. 2 Having a dual purpose; having two meanings; effective or capable of being interpreted in two ways. Double-edged sword - literally, a sword which cuts on either side; metaphorically, an argument which makes both for and against the person employing it, or which has a double meaning. Featuring: French Medieval hybrid; Giuseppe Arcimboldo; Italian Renaissance grotteschi or sogni dei pittori; Francis Bacon; Quentin Metsys; Keller; Quino; Roman Domus Aurea; Paul-Andreas Weber.

DE DOBLE FILO 1. Arma blanca que tiene filo por ambos bordes de la hoja. 2. Cosa o acción que puede obrar en contra de lo que pretende. Incluidos: Híbrido medieval francés; Archimboldo; Grutesco renacentista italiano; Francis Bacon; Quentin Metsys; Keller; Quino; Domus Aurea; Paul-Adreas Weber.

De doble filo was also a (now lost) digital film on the grotesque in the visual arts, by Mariano Akerman, April 2008. It included works by Giuseppe Arcimboldo, Francis Bacon, Hans Bellmer, Cornelis Bos, Hyeronimus Bosch, Nicoletto da Modena, Jacques Callot, Honoré Daumier, John Deakin, Fermín Eguía, Max Ernst, Cornelis Floris, James Gillray, Francisco de Goya, Joris Hoefnagel, Christoph Jamnitzer, Keller, Santos Machen, René Magritte, Quentin Metsys, Joan Miró, Nine, Méret Oppenheim, José Guadalupe Posada, Raphael Sanzio, Quino, Scopas, Giovanni da Udine, Adam van Vianen, Vasari, Antoine Watteau, Paul Andreas Weber, and other artists.

Jean-Michel Folon, Regarding Day and Night (A propósito del día y la noche), watercolor on paper, 1988-89.


  1. Gabriela Stegmann1:04 AM

    Mariano sos una fuente inagotable de inquietudes.

  2. Joan Pohl12:59 PM

    The slide show is great, brilliant !

  3. Aemen Javairia1:00 PM

    Really well done! A few images made me slightly scared though! Chocolates with razor? :P They engender new paranoias.

  4. Francisca Frangipan1:01 PM

    Este es el tipo de arte que me gusta: muy inspirador.

  5. Liber Vigo1:02 PM

    Mariano querido, admiro tu constancia, tu creatividad, tu perseverancia en seguir descubriendo en los medios digitales el modo de hacer arte con el arte, tuyo y de los otros, y el film me gusta mucho: me parece ¡HERMOSO! Realmente, te admiro por la dedicación y la recreación, la creación que siempre te define, y te quiero mucho. ¡Tus obras son balsámicas!

  6. Eric Frisson1:03 PM

    Attractive and scary. Definitely bold.
