
Belgian Art

The Art-Appreciation Lectures on Belgian Art, by Mariano Akerman
A way of celebrating friendship and cultural diversity

Discovering Belgian Art
A Series of Art Appreciation Lectures, 2008-2010

Among the major achievements of the Belgian artists are the development of the oil painting technique, the fostering of new pictorial styles, the depiction of remarkable images, real and invented, and what may be the most incredible questioning of the concept of Reality in the history of Western art. Mariano Akerman reveals the originality of a select group of Belgian masterpieces. He examines their style and meanings, historical context, aesthetic qualities and raison d’être, appreciating them from new, unexpected perspectives.

Art historian Mariano Akerman was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1963. Educated at the School of Architecture of Universidad de Belgrano. During the 1990s, he researched the work of the painter Francis Bacon and that of the architect Louis Kahn. A painter himself, Akerman has exhibited his artwork solo or in group in Argentina, Spain, Japan, Philippines and Sweden. He has been awarded with twelve major international distinctions and prizes.

1 comment:

  1. Christian Adam de Villiers6:10 AM

    « Monsieur Mariano Akerman est un historien d'art qui sait partager sa passion. A l'occasion d'une conférence sur l'art belge donnée au National College of Arts de Lahore, il a montré combien il maîtrise parfaitement son sujet, "tressant" habilement les mises en évidence de l'oscillation et de l'imbrication des concepts de mimesis et de fantaisie, selon les perspectives historiques et spatiales qui caractérisent la peinture belge. Monsieur Mariano Akerman est un conférencier très agréable à suivre : il sait comment interférer avec son public et sait distiller à bon escient de succulentes touches d'humour. En deux mots, ... un régal ! » - Christian Adam de Villiers, Directeur, Alliance Française de Lahore
