Ishrat Hyatt, "Art Historian delivers Lecture at IFWA Fundraiser," International The News, Pakistan, March 30, 2010, City News, p. 20.

Art historian delivers lecture at IFWA fundraiser (International The News).

Our correspondent
Fundraising coffee morning of the International Foreign Women’s Association (IFWA) featured an art-appreciation lecture by art historian Mariano Akerman.
Akerman revealed the originality of a select group of Belgian masterpieces, examining their style and meanings, historical context, aesthetic qualities and raison d’etre, appreciating them from new and unexpected perspectives. He has lectured on this topic at renowned institutions such as the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes in Buenos Aires and the National Museum of the Philippines in Manila.
The function was well attended and held at the residence of [...] of Belgium [...]. The event began with IFWA president Isun Choi thanking the hostess for her kind gesture and introducing the speaker. The hostess [wife of the Belgian ambassador to Pakistan] welcomed everyone [...].
Mariano Akerman's talk was a delight from beginning to end — he has the knack of catching the interest of his audience as soon as he introduces his topic. It is certain that students who attend his lectures must be richer for the experience. With a lot of facts, sprinkled with humour and anecdotes, he kept the ladies attention — something not easy to do as far as a diverse group of women from different nationalities goes and that to at a relaxing coffee morning!
For those of us who are not that clued up about art and its intricacies it was something to assimilate and add to our knowledge — to those who know art it must have been a real pleasure to hear the opinion of an expert. I think he won the hearts of all the women present when he said, "Women have the strength to change the world," in some context to his lecture.
In conclusion he said something to the effect that if art does not communicate, it’s not good but you can [still] find beauty in art [and sometimes even] without explanation. There was a few questions and answers; some announcements about future events were made and the ladies were served lunch which they enjoyed in the beautiful garden in a relaxed atmosphere — a bonus treat as usually this part of the morning is 'refreshment' time with snacks.
Mariano Akerman was born in Buenos Aires in 1963. He studied at the School of Architecture of Universidad de Belgrano (Argentina), completing his formation with a prized graduation project on the limits and space in modern architecture (1987). Living abroad from 1991 onwards, he studies modern art and researches the paintings of Francis Bacon and the architectural projects of Louis Kahn.
He develops the educational series of lectures In the Spirit of Linnaeus; Discovering Belgian Art and Raisons d’être. Specializing in visual communication, Akerman is an experienced educator and lectures on modern art at renowned institutions. A painter himself, Akerman has exhibited his artwork solo or in group in Argentina, Spain, Japan, Philippines and Sweden since 1979 onwards. He has been awarded with more than twelve major international prizes.
He has given a series of lectures in Pakistani schools, colleges and universities since 2008 and has a busy schedule in the next two months. An exhibition of his paintings was up at the residence for the ladies to look at and buy if they so desired. [Select Pakistani handicrafts were also on display that day. Most of them were real masterpieces.]

Art historian delivers lecture at IFWA fundraiser (International The News).

Our correspondent
Fundraising coffee morning of the International Foreign Women’s Association (IFWA) featured an art-appreciation lecture by art historian Mariano Akerman.
Akerman revealed the originality of a select group of Belgian masterpieces, examining their style and meanings, historical context, aesthetic qualities and raison d’etre, appreciating them from new and unexpected perspectives. He has lectured on this topic at renowned institutions such as the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes in Buenos Aires and the National Museum of the Philippines in Manila.
The function was well attended and held at the residence of [...] of Belgium [...]. The event began with IFWA president Isun Choi thanking the hostess for her kind gesture and introducing the speaker. The hostess [wife of the Belgian ambassador to Pakistan] welcomed everyone [...].
Mariano Akerman's talk was a delight from beginning to end — he has the knack of catching the interest of his audience as soon as he introduces his topic. It is certain that students who attend his lectures must be richer for the experience. With a lot of facts, sprinkled with humour and anecdotes, he kept the ladies attention — something not easy to do as far as a diverse group of women from different nationalities goes and that to at a relaxing coffee morning!
For those of us who are not that clued up about art and its intricacies it was something to assimilate and add to our knowledge — to those who know art it must have been a real pleasure to hear the opinion of an expert. I think he won the hearts of all the women present when he said, "Women have the strength to change the world," in some context to his lecture.
In conclusion he said something to the effect that if art does not communicate, it’s not good but you can [still] find beauty in art [and sometimes even] without explanation. There was a few questions and answers; some announcements about future events were made and the ladies were served lunch which they enjoyed in the beautiful garden in a relaxed atmosphere — a bonus treat as usually this part of the morning is 'refreshment' time with snacks.
Mariano Akerman was born in Buenos Aires in 1963. He studied at the School of Architecture of Universidad de Belgrano (Argentina), completing his formation with a prized graduation project on the limits and space in modern architecture (1987). Living abroad from 1991 onwards, he studies modern art and researches the paintings of Francis Bacon and the architectural projects of Louis Kahn.
He develops the educational series of lectures In the Spirit of Linnaeus; Discovering Belgian Art and Raisons d’être. Specializing in visual communication, Akerman is an experienced educator and lectures on modern art at renowned institutions. A painter himself, Akerman has exhibited his artwork solo or in group in Argentina, Spain, Japan, Philippines and Sweden since 1979 onwards. He has been awarded with more than twelve major international prizes.
He has given a series of lectures in Pakistani schools, colleges and universities since 2008 and has a busy schedule in the next two months. An exhibition of his paintings was up at the residence for the ladies to look at and buy if they so desired. [Select Pakistani handicrafts were also on display that day. Most of them were real masterpieces.]

Lecture, Pakstudy, Pakistan, 30 March 2010, Education News
WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW! Ambassador´s wife hosting your lecture for fundraising at their official residence? And the rating from the press is Top of the Tops. Congratulations! We are very proud of you!
ReplyDeleteY con publicaciones periodísticas... un orgullo para mí.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations for your work and kind regards.
ReplyDeleteMariano, te felicito! Cuánto creciste, hijo! Me siento absolutamente orgullosa de vos. Un beso enorme.
ReplyDeleteDear Mariano,
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing with us the news. You have our heartfelt congratulations on this occasion. Your untiring efforts in art history are very commendable as understanding of one another's culture. It is also a unique contribution toward an innovative form of diplomacy. More power to you.
Warmest wishes.
Mariano, Te felicito!!!
ReplyDeleteOjalá des esta charla acá en BA.
Felicidades Mariano. Ishrat Hyatt es una prenda de señora, y es un honor que hable de ti. La conozco desde hace mucho y es una señora periodista de las de verdad. Mil besos.
ReplyDeleteExcelente nota. Me gusta mucho. Felicidades!
ReplyDeleteWell done, Mariano.
ReplyDeleteDear Mariano. I am very happy and pray Pakistan will keep on availing this opportunity fully. That day, while listening to your lecture, I learnt a lot of new things about Belgian art and could not help admiring your teaching skills. God bless you for doing such great work. Love and prayer.
ReplyDeleteHeartwarming not only the article itself but also all the comments. Yep, “women have the strength to change the world.” I also believe that :) Congrats ! **smile** gab ~
ReplyDeleteWow. This is so mysterious, fabulous and mind blowing art! I liked the story. I will share it with my friends, I think they will like it as much as I do. It is good to gain knowledge and experience from this educational site. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDelete"Mariano Akerman's talk was a delight from beginning to end — he has the knack of catching the interest of his audience as soon as he introduces his topic."
ReplyDeleteAhora que te vi en video, puedo atestiguar yo misma lo aquí expresado. Sin duda, tenés ese arte y magia de atrapar a la audiencia con tu gran pasión por lo que expones :) Este artículo es un lujo y un placer de leer. *very proud smile for you** ¡Bravo! gab ~