
Video-Clip as Suggestive Stimulus

Argentinean Art - ArgentinArte - Arte Argentino. Three Centuries of Argentinean Art. Tres siglos de Arte Argentino. Maestro de Calamarca, Prilidiano Pueyrredón, Ernesto de la Cárcova, Justo Lynch, Héctor Borla, Emilio Petorutti, Xul Solar, Antonio Berni, Antonio Segui, Carlos Alonso, Mariano Akerman Mariano Akerman, Paintings 1986-90. Motifs from Mariano Akerman's paintings, made in Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1986-1990. One-man shows at RG en el Arte Fine Art, University of Belgrano, and Bank of Boston Cultural Foundation Fiddler on the Roof. Play performed by the students of the M.G.I.S., Manila, Philippines, December 2006. - El violinista sobre el tejado. Obra representada por los alumnos de M.G.I.S., Manila, Filipinas, 15 de diciembre de 2006. Belgian Art - Art Belge - Belgische Kunst - Arte Belga. Among the achievements of the Belgian artists are the invention of the oil painting technique, the fostering of remarkable pictorial styles and a whole questioning of the notion of "reality" as such. Art Historian Mariano Akerman reveals the singularity and originality of a select group of Belgian masterpieces. He examines their style and meanings, historical context, aesthetic qualities and raison d'etre, appreciating them from unexpected, innovative perspectives. DOUBLE-EDGED 1. Having two edges that can be used; having two cutting edges. 2 Having a dual purpose; having two meanings; effective or capable of being interpreted in two ways. Double-edged sword - literally, a sword which cuts on either side; metaphorically, an argument which makes both for and against the person employing it, or which has a double meaning. Featured: French Medieval hybrid; Giuseppe Arcimboldo; Italian Renaissance grotteschi (sogni dei pittori); Francis Bacon; Quentin Metsys; Keller; Quino; Roman Domus Aurea; Paul-Andreas Weber. DE DOBLE FILO 1. Arma blanca que tiene filo por ambos bordes de la hoja. 2. Cosa o acción que puede obrar en contra de lo que pretende. Incluidos: Híbrido medieval francés; Archimboldo; Grutesco renacentista italiano; Francis Bacon; Quentin Metsys; Keller; Quino; Domus Aurea; Andreas Paul Weber. Ref. Mariano Akerman, video-clips, information, education, record.

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