
The Gestalt Program Pics and Musings

GESTALTUNG, Fifteen educational activities in 12 sessions
by Mariano Akerman

Mariano Akerman, "Gestalt Program as Meaningful Configuration: Its Shape and Content," lecture
The Swiss Residence, Islamabad, 20 October 2011

Theory of Perceptual Organization: Holistic Approach

Swiss Ambassador Bubb, Art Historian Mariano Akerman, and German Ambassador Michael Koch
Launching of the Gestalt Educational Program
Swiss Residence, Islamabad, 20.10.2011
Photo courtesy of Shabbir Hussain

A great success, primarily thanks to Mariano Akerman's competent, well structured presentation. The holistic approach and the humorous elements contribute to a fascinating learning experience. —Christoph Bubb, Ambassador of Switzerland to Pakistan

Gestalt: Theory and Design in the Age of New Objectivity. A Series of Educational Lectures, Training Sessions and Workshops

The Gestalt series of lectures by Mariano Akerman is an opportunity to bring a most significant European movement closer to the Pakistani audience. Indeed, experimentation and new objectivity are concepts which have shape European modern cultural identity. As always, Mariano Akerman's formidable knowledge of the art and his exceptional ability to captivate a wide audience will be beneficial for students and teachers alike, bringing the Gestalt closer to their own reality. The message conveyed by Klee, Le Corbusier, Arp, and other prominent artists and architects who have animated the Gestalt and Bauhaus is very much actual in today’s world. —Nicolas Plattner, Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of Switzerland, Islamabad

"The Theory of Perceptual Organization: The Whole and the Parts"
Lecture and Students' Collage Display
Islamabad College for Girls, 25 October 2011
Guests from Islamabad Model College for Girls, F-7/4

Mariano Akerman's lectures were well delivered and produced great interest in our students of Fine Arts and were also a basis to broadening the horizons of students of History, Applied Psychology, Sociology and English Literature. These extension talks are of immense value for students and faculty alike. —Rabyia Qadir

The Parts and the Whole

"Gestalt in the Collage Children and Parents Workshop"
Islamabad, 26 October 2011

I think it was probably the best lecture I have heard. Right on form; Mariano Akerman was able to blend your knowledge of the subject with great visual presentation, humour to those of us who perhaps didn't know anything about Gestalt. His ability to combine, connect, integrate and transfer knowledge to the audience goes way beyond what many professors could do.
Mariano Akerman's potpourri of efficent, effective, instructional approaches centered around the theme of GESTALT; not a theme usually used when working with 8-9 year old students, showed once again that Mr. Akerman is able to engage all students, promote interest and variety in learning and teaching, and provide immediate and continuous informal assessment during his workshops. Mariano's ability to use humour and his keen understanding of child development help to provide workshops and seminars that promote ACTIVE INVOLVEMENT for all children. During this particular workshop, Mariano invited parents to actively participate with their child and with other children once again showing that this type of strategy is what that helps learners of all ages to learn better when they are actively engaged in learnning
. —Joan Pohl

"Reality is problematic and not unquestionable."
Ortega y Gasset

The lectures were marvelous. They were informative and interesting. They captivated the students. Gestalt theory appears to them as multifarious and they understand it can be implemented on many different spheres. —Mamoona Kahn

"What we know changes what we see.
What we see changes what we know."
Jean Piaget

"Collage et intégration : la théorie de la Gestalt et les arts visuels modernes"
Alliance Française d'Islamabad, 27 October 2011

The Gestalt Programme lecture delivered by Mr. Mariano Akerman had a very positive impact on the students. The students were enthusiastic about and awed by the lecture. It captivated them and kept their attention from start till the end. Time seemed to pass very quickly. Mr. Akerman has the charm and the quality to mesmerize the audience. His lecture was not a monologue: it had beauty of involving actively everybody. —Farah Shaikh

"Si ce sont les plumes qui font le plumage, ce n'est pas la colle qui fait le collage." —Max Ernst

"Gestalt Theory and Bauhaus Design"
COMSATS University, 28 October 2011

Einfühlung | Empathy

Additional Resources
Islamabad, German Embassy in Islamabad, Integrated Whole, Experimentation and Identity, Gestalt: Theory and Design in the New Objectivity Age, 25.10.2011
Islamabad, Deutsche Auslandsvertretungen in Pakistan, Integriertes Ganzes, Experimentieren und Identität, Gestalt: Theorie und Gestaltung im Zeitalter der neuen Sachlichkeit, 28.10.2011
Sara Mahmood, Mariano Akerman: Bridging Cultures, 28.9.2011
Ishrat Hyatt, Gestalt Programme Launching Event, International The News, 22 October 2011, City News, p. 19 (S).
"The Ambassador of Switzerland ... held Reception Lecture of the Gestalt Educational Program held by Architect Mariano Akerman," Diplomatic Focus, Pakistan, Vol. II, Issue 8-9, October-November 2011, p. 70, photographs by Shabbir Hussain.
Almas Haider Naqvi, "Other is the Same Side of the Picture," Dataline Islamabad, 22 October 2011, p. 4
Maqbool Malik, "Tradition meets Modernisation," The Nation, Pakistan, 24 October 2011
SwissPak Association
Gauhar Zahid Malik, Embassies of Switzerland and Germany present 'Gestalt': Theory and Design in the Age of New Objectivity, Fifteen Educational Lectures by Mariano Akerman, Architect and Art Historian, Pakistan Observer, Pakistan, 3 November 2011, Twin Cities, p. 9.
Ilona Yusuf, Enhancing Perception: The Gestalt Lectures and Collage Competition, Blue Chip Magazine, Issue 87, Volume 8, Islamabad, January-February 2012, pp. 16-19, ill.
Sara Mahmood, Mariano Akerman: Bridging Cultures, Blue Chip Magazine, Issue 87, Volume 8, Islamabad, January-February 2012, pp. 20-24, ill.


  1. GiGi desde el Centro2:31 AM

    Mis aplausos.Tu labor es magnífica. Un beso, Gina

  2. Me llenás de orgullo.

  3. Saira Iftikhar1:08 AM

    Your lectures have made me to come to the conclusion that Gestalt really works in every field. Especially the Form and Function topic has real implications in our lives. Moreover, your lectures really urge one's mind to negotiate and discover something abstract from one's inner self. Thanks for all the new seeds you have cultivated in our minds. I am sure one day their fruit will enlighten the whole world with a name: Mariano Akerman.

  4. Pakistan Diplomacy9:09 AM

    A most informative blog. Very well done work. Thanks for sharing.
