
An Appreciation Letter from ISOI

To Whom It May Concern:

Mr. Mariano Akerman offered a seminar and workshop to the grade three class at the International School of Islamabad as part of the GESTALT PROGRAM. Mr. Akerman’s oral presentation started off with a brief introduction as to the purpose of his being with us in the classroom. Mariano was able to present concepts and ideas that were developmentally appropriate for eight and nine year old children. All details about the collage contest were discussed so as to be understood by both students and parents who were in attendance. During the workshop, all students and parents actively participated in creating a collage of their own. The results were evidence of the effectiveness of Mariano Akerman's teaching ability to translate and connect the topic to a child's reality. Children completed their activity by writing, using their personal voice, a paragraph that described their art work. Yet another opportunity where Mariano was able to allow children to make connections from art to thought to writing their thoughts down on paper.

The program brochure met the criteria of Mariano’s lecture on part/whole; GESTALT and function. His use of graphics and writing in black and white was pleasant to the eye as well as being functional and to the point. All topics that were discussed were stated in the brochure that allowed for ‘just enough’ curiosity on the part of the reader.

The use of media and technology as was done in the PowerPoint/visual presentation showed how versatile Mariano Akerman is. I particularly appreciated the use of graphics and highlighting; both effectively used to achieve the purpose of creating focal points.

In closing, Mariano’s lectures and workshops have always surpassed any expectations on our part. He is a true professional who can adapt, adjust, and accommodate prior to and throughout his presentations so that his audience is made to feel comfortable. His thorough knowledge and understanding of the topics that he chooses create an atmosphere of pure pleasure for his audience. Mariano is accepting of all points of view; allowing for audience participation in a safe environment. He is a master of what he does.

Mrs. Joan Pohl Lewin, Ed.M.

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