This week two lectures were delivered by Mariano Akerman in Pakistan. Entitled "Creativity in French Art" and "French Avant-Garde Art," the lectures were given at the Beaconhouse National University and National College of Arts, both in Lahore.

Despite the unexpectedly high temperatures some thirty students were present at Akerman's lecture at the BNU and other fifty attended the lecture at the NCA, which was broadcasted live as a video-conference and this factor multiplied the participants, as students of the University of Gujrat, FJWU Rawalpindi, AKU-IED Karachi and IBA Karachi had also the opportunity to follow the event in Lahore at the very same time it was taking place.

In Lahore Mariano Akerman also met a number of colleagues and friends, such as Pakistani art curator Qudsia Rahim, French collage artist Stephanie Dachary and German design teacher Wendolyn Kulick. Akerman recieved an exemplar of the well-documented book The French in Lahore from Christian Adam de Villiers, Director of Alliance Française de Lahore. The book was given to him as a token of appreciation of his educational initiatives to Pakistan. Akerman's activities encompass so far ten educational lectures, workshops and art exhibitions, foundraising to help the needed, and even a collage and writting competition to stimulate everyone.

Mariano: Qué orgullo para mí que seas alguien que hace un aporte cultural de esas características. Te mando un beso enorme.
It was a pleasure to have you over and we will be looking forward to meeting and collaborating with you soon.
Estás dejando improntas en lugares del mundo sedientos de cambio y expresión a través de medios espiritualmente elevados. Debes sentirte muy orgulloso por todo esto, Mariano. ¡Bien! gab ~
¿Un argentino disertando en castellano, inglés y/o francés acerca de la historia y el arte de Francia, con los auspicios de la Alianza Francesa y en escuelas superiores y universidades pakistaníes? ¡Maravilloso!
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