Les constellations interiéures
Mariano Akerman - Paintings, drawings and collages
Alliance Total Gallery, Alliance Française de Manille
November 2005

26.10.05 - L.A., Yahoo!
Las Constelaciones Interiores
Hola a todos. Quiero compartir con ustedes los trabajos de Mariano Akerman. La invitación acaba de llegarnos desde Manila, capital de Filipinas. Para una imagen completa de su trabajo, ver www1.wooloo.org/akermariano. Comentarios y preguntas acerca del trabajo este arquitecto, pintor e historiador del arte argentino son siempre bienvenidos. [...] 52 pinturas, dibujos y collages forman "las constelaciones interiores" (inner constellations / constellations interiéures), las obras reproducidas son: A. "Ondulante" y "Principio creativo-destructivo", B. "Microcosmos" y "Noga--portadora de significados", C. "Amistad" y "Mucho, mucho, mucho amor", D. "Flor de ceibo", 4 constelaciones, "Centauro", 16 constelaciones, "Sheba", "Recordar", y "Oro y Cenizas." Todos los trabajos pertenecen al artista (todos los derechos reservados). Saludos para todos.

01.11.05 - 24/7 Nocturnal Navigator
Nov. 7-25: Les Constellations Interiéures, featuring the paintings of award-winning Argentinean artist, Mariano Akerman at Alliance Française Total Gallery. Call 895-7585

01.11.05 - Circuit
Exhibits: Les Constellations Intérieures
Mariano Akerman was born in Buenos Aires in 1963. He specializes in visual communication. With the present exhibit at Alliance Française de Manille, the painter shows a series of select paintings and drawings [...]. Mysterious and suggestive as they are, Les Constellations Intérieures are invitations to imagine. Notably inclusion and identity characterize Akerman's inner constellations, which are bright and illuminating. Exhibit opens on November 7 with cocktails at 6:30PM and runs until November 25 at the Alliance Total Gallery.

06.11.05 - Jean-Paul Girault, The Daily Tribune
Les Constellations Intérieures Exhibit by Mariano Akerman
Alliance Française de Manille presents "Les Constellations Interiéures," an exhibit by Mariano Akerman. The show opens at Alliance Française Total Gallery on Nov. 7 and runs until Nov. 25. Akerman shows a series of select paintings [...]. Mysterious and suggestive as they are, Les Constellations Intérieures are invitations to imagine. Notably inclusion and identity characterize Akerman's inner constellations, which are bright and illuminating. Akerman was born in Buenos Aires in 1963. He specializes in visual communication. His artwork is original, subtle, and personal. Architect and art historian, Akerman knows that his artwork has little to do with mimesis: "Rather than being a camera, I am myself. A camera reproduces appearances, which are an aspect of the reality surrounding us. By contrast, the inner constellations involve one's associative imagination."
Artist reception shall be at the Alliance Total Gallery tomorrow. Cocktails will be served at 6:30 pm. For more information, contact 895-7441/895-7585 or e-mail cultural@alliance.ph

07.11.05 - Ramon Lerma, The Philippine Star
Arts: Mariano Akerman
MARIANO AKERMAN shows his original, subtle and personal artworks in Les constellations intérieures, on view until Nov. 25 at Alliance Total Gallery. Architect and art historian Akerman says his artworks have very little to do with mimesis: "Rather than being a camera, I am myself. A camera reproduces appearances, which are an aspect of the reality surrounding us. By contrast, the inner constellations involve one's associative imagination." For inquires, call 895-7441 and 895-7585 or e-mal cultural@alliance.ph

09.11.05 - Machel Ramos (interviewer)
Inner Constellations
Filmed interview with Mariano Akerman, Alliance Française de Manille. Broadcast on NBN channel 4, Philippines, 18.11.05 and 23.11.05

24.11.05 - Wins News
Les Constellations Interiéures, Mariano Akerman 1963 年、ブエノス・アイレス生まれの Mariano Akerman(マリアーノ・アケル マン)による作品展示会です。ビジュ アル・コミュニケーションが専門のア ーティストです。アルゼンチン、ウル グアイ、イスラエル、スペイン、日本 で作品を発表し、それぞれ賞を受賞し ています。
場所: Alliance Total Gallery,
Alliance Francaise de Manille, 209
Nicanor Garcia St., Bel-Air II,
Makati City
連絡先:8957585 / 8957441

15.12.05 - Maryvonne Salvan, E.I.S. Newsletter
A la découverte d'un artiste !
En novembre, tous les élèves de l’école, du CP au CM2, sont allés à l’Alliance Française de Manille voir l’exposition de Mariano Akerman. Il y avait beaucoup de tableaux et nous étions impressionnés. Nous avions un questionnaire. C’était comme une enquête, un jeu de piste. Il fallait répondre au plus de questions possibles et pour cela il fallait bien observer les tableaux. Cette exposition était intéressante. Elle nous a donné des idées. Beaucoup d’enfants ont aimé l’oeuvre de monsieur Akerman. Nous sommes revenus à l’école fatigués, affamés mais ravis !

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