Today a very big event took place at the Belgian Residence in Islamabad as ninty-five women from Pakistan and many other countries attended Mariano Akerman's lecture "Art from Belgium."

The lecture took place immediatly after the opening of Akerman's solo exhibit of paintings and drawings at the Residence.

The ladies learnt the facts and figures of Belgium, a bit about its geography and history, the diversity of its population, the ties between Belgium and its neighbours, and the strong affinities shared by Brussels and Paris.

While contemplating a select number of Belgian masterpieces, they were fascinated with their precision and lucidity. They discovered the Belgian contribution to the visual arts, this including the observation of nature and the development of an unprecedented realism and oil painting techniques. The women were particularly fond of the interplay between reality and fantasy that characterizes numerous Belgian masterpieces. Women were themselves introduced as important sources of inspiration throughout the history of Belgian art as a whole.

Brochures from Akerman's lectures on Belgian Art, Asia 2005-10
Opportunely, the lecturer was requested to say some words about his own pictures. Akerman spoke about some influences in his imagery, to relate them to Asian spirituality. He also paraphrased the words of George Santayana via André Maurois, art offers to contemplation that which man cannot find out in action: the union of life and peace.

Catalogs from Akerman's art shows and special programs, Asia 2005-10

The lecture took place immediatly after the opening of Akerman's solo exhibit of paintings and drawings at the Residence.

The ladies learnt the facts and figures of Belgium, a bit about its geography and history, the diversity of its population, the ties between Belgium and its neighbours, and the strong affinities shared by Brussels and Paris.

While contemplating a select number of Belgian masterpieces, they were fascinated with their precision and lucidity. They discovered the Belgian contribution to the visual arts, this including the observation of nature and the development of an unprecedented realism and oil painting techniques. The women were particularly fond of the interplay between reality and fantasy that characterizes numerous Belgian masterpieces. Women were themselves introduced as important sources of inspiration throughout the history of Belgian art as a whole.

Brochures from Akerman's lectures on Belgian Art, Asia 2005-10
Opportunely, the lecturer was requested to say some words about his own pictures. Akerman spoke about some influences in his imagery, to relate them to Asian spirituality. He also paraphrased the words of George Santayana via André Maurois, art offers to contemplation that which man cannot find out in action: the union of life and peace.

Catalogs from Akerman's art shows and special programs, Asia 2005-10
Not only are you an artist, educator, historian but also you must include a showman (as a huge compliment). Part of lecturing is making it fun, understandable, reflective and having your audience asking for more. You combined all of your many intelligences to make this event, day, a most enjoyable learning experience!
Thank you very much for today´s meeting with the talk from the artist Mr. Akerman.
For me it was like going back to University and having an art history lecture again. The good thing about it today though was, that no exam was involved. What a relieve and enyoment!
The residence is beautiful. Congratulations!
Muchas gracias.
Ochtend was ENORM succes 95 aanwezigen. Iedereen heel tevreden. Congrats aan Mariano.
Formidable. C'est très important de voir les différentes facettes d'un pays et une approche via les yeux d'un artiste comme toi. Je suis heureuse. Amitiés.
Dear Mariano,
Thank you for sharing with us the news and photos of your lecture and exhibit. You have our heartfelt congratulations on this occasion. Your untiring efforts in art history are very commendable as understanding of one another's culture. They are also a unique contribution toward an innovative form of diplomacy. More power to you. Warmest wishes.
No me extraña que estuvieran tan atentas, yo te vi en tu disertación en el Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes. Lo tuyo es todo un logro intelectual y social, con estímulo de los representantes europeos. Un beso y que sigan los éxitos.
Me enorgullece todo lo que haces. Besote.
Felicitaciones! - Un abrazo.
Mariano, me parece genial tu iniciativa.
Enorme e inspirador trabajo.
Me rindo ante tu buen hacer, tu maestría, tu humildad y generosidad. Haces buenas obras y el hacer un evento para y por la mujer maltratada es algo digno de elogio. También te felicito por tu exposición. Todo un éxito. Un beso y gracias resalao.
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