German Embassy, Islamabad, May 12, 2010
p. 1r - Islamabad, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, German Art: Its Peculiarities and Transformations, A Lecture by Mariano Akerman, May 12, 2010
p. 1v - Mariano Akerman, Painter and Art Historian • Maler und Kunsthistoriker
p. 2r - German Art, Its Peculiarities and Transformations, abstract
p. 2v - Citations and German Technical Terms, with English translation.
Source: PDF published online by the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, Islamabad.
Thank you for your wonderful and knowledgeable conference.
Dear Mr. Akerman,
It was not only a pleasure but an enlightenment to listen to your lecture - thank you so very much.
With regards, Karin Mittmann
Nauman et moi, nous avons beaucoup discuté ta conférence et nous ne pouvions pas cesser de parler de cette soiree. C'était excellent. Merci encore pour nous faire partie de ta passion et ta connaissance. Amicalement, Samia
Dear Mr. Mariano Akerman,
Thank you. Your lecture on German Art was absolutely brilliant. It is among the best lectures I have ever heard in my life (I am 70 years old). Prof. Dr. Khalid Rashid
Dear Mr. Akerman, It was a pleasure attending the lecture. I found it very enlightening.
Querido Mariano: Quería decirte que disfruté mucho con tu conferencia, me encantó.
Dear Mariano,
I am still mesmerized how quick and crisp was your overview of German Art was.
Geytee Ara, Islamabad College for Girls
Deeply impressive.
You are amazing in a number of languages.
¿Un argentino disertando en inglés acerca de la historia y el arte alemán, con los auspicios de la embajada teutona en Islamabad y en cinco universidades pakistaníes? ¡Maravilloso!
Es fantástico. Comprendo muy bien de que amas el país donde vives y su gente. A seguir con tus trabajos maravillosos por la humanidad. Y sobre todo, sigue inspirando la gente.
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