German Art Brochure, with images by Albrecht Dürer, Caspar David Friedrich, Franz Marc and Hans Hartung (Islamabad, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, German Art: Its Peculiarities and Transformations, A Lecture by Mariano Akerman, May 2010).

Opening words by Katharina Lack, head of the cultural section of the German embassy.

Mariano Akerman talks on Dürer's pervasive contribution.

Traumwerk in Dürer's oeuvre: "Whoever wants to make dreamwork musx mix up all things together."

The public contemplating German prints.
A most irregular Knorpelgrotesk (Cartilaginous grotesque) by Johann Heinrich Keller.

Akerman indicates the traditional principles of Order ruling Karl Friedrich Schinkel's Neoclassical architecture.

The public observes the great transformations of German art troughout the 20th century.

Margarete according to Anselm Kiefer (after Paul Celan).

Akerman explains Kiefer's symbolism, linking Sulamit to its sources of inspiration.

Ms. Lack dialogues with the public.

Article by Ishrat Hyatt devoted to the event which was attended by around seventy-five guests.

Mariano Akerman describes the German contribution to the visual arts as special and meaningful.
Lectures and venues
1. "German Art: Its Peculiarities and Transformations"
Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, Islamabad
2. "The Artist, Modernity and German Society: Between Criticism and Approval"
National College of Arts, Rawalpindi
3. "The German Contribution to the Modern Visual Arts, 1500 to 1933"
Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad
4. "Reality and Imagination in the Visual Arts of Germany"
Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi
5. "Art History: The German Case"
Islamabad College for Girls, Islamabad
De traje y afeitado al ras... UNBELIEVABLE!
Well, you better begin to believe it, pal. This is my way.
Mariano, cuando te veo dando tus conferencias magistrales y al público escuchándote... me vienen unas nostalgias bárbaras. Qué lejos estamos... Y de traje y corbata te ves estupendo. Todo un Herr Kunstmeister.
En una de las fotos estás con el carrete de diapositivas. Me acordé de aquellas que te dí. Eran parte de mi vida y creo que en tus manos están bien depositadas. Un beso muy grande.
Hello Mariano,
My friend Nancy Eslick, and myself, Leslie Gonzales very much enjoyed last Wednesday's event.
Many thanks,
Mariano te felicito!
Dear Mariano,
I am still mesmerized how quick and crisp was your overview of German Art was.
G. Ara, Islamabad College for Girls
Deeply impressive.
De corazón te felicito y que sea tu labor siempre un motivo de placeres y alegrías.
You are amazing in a number of languages.
¿Un argentino disertando en inglés acerca de la historia y el arte alemán, con los auspicios de la embajada teutona en Islamabad y en cinco universidades pakistaníes? ¡Maravilloso!
Bonjour Mariano,
J’ai lu l’article élogieux qui a été consacré à votre conférence sur la peinture allemande. Ca a l’air d’avoir été un vrai succès !
Bien à vous
Es fantástico. Comprendo muy bien de que amas el país donde vives y su gente. A seguir con tus trabajos maravillosos por la humanidad. Y sobre todo, sigue inspirando la gente.
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