Painter | Architect | Researcher | Historian | Lecturer
Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1963
Architect, specialized in Visual Communication, 1987
Art Historian, Thesis: The Grotesque in Francis Bacon's Paintings, 1999 - Summa cum laude
B. COURSES, given by Akerman
1985-90 Comunicación Visual (Visual Communication); Teoría de la Comunicación (Communication Theory); Forma y Communicación (Representation Theory); Diseño 1-2-3 (Design Studio, 2nd to 4th year); Teorías del Diseño y Percepción Visual (Design and Visual Perception Theories); Psicología del Espacio (Psychology of Space); Metodología de la Investigación (Methodology of Scientific Research). 1992-95 History of the Art. 1998-99 How to Read an Artwork; Tradition and Innovation: Renaissance Art; Watercolor. 1999-2000. Art Fundamentals; Cómo apreciar una obra de arte; Modern Art in Revolutionary Times; Artists’ Dreams and Imagination in the Arts; Calligraphy and Poster Design; Design of Educational Devices; Scenography and Costume Design. 2000-1. Art Fundamentals; Introduction to the History of Art; Introduction to Classical and Medieval Art; Tradición e innovación: arte renacentista; The Explicit and the Implicit in Western Art; How to Understand a Modern Artwork; Select Issues in Modern Art: Design; Calligraphy and Poster Design; Design of Educational Devices; Scenography and Costume Design; Watercolor. 2001-2. Introduction to History of the Art; Foundations of European Art; Introduction to Classical and Medieval Art; Tradición e innovación: arte moderno; Modern Art in the Age of Pluralism; Calligraphy and Poster Design; Design of Educational Devices; Scenography and Costume Design. 2002-3. Art Fundamentals; Fine Arts: Europe and America; Arte de América precolombina y latinoamericana; Art: Modernity and Post-Modernity; Select Issues in Modern Art: The Human Body; Calligraphy and Poster Design; Foundations of European Art; Meeting Modern Art; Art of the American Continent; Educational Exhibitions in School Environments. 2010-12. Art in the Picture; French Language: Advanced Level; Spanish Language: Beginners and Intermediate Levels.
2005 "Realidad e imaginación en la pintura belga", Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Buenos Aires | The Belgian Contribution to the Visual Arts - 1. "Belgian Art," Belgian Residence, Manila; 2. "The Marvel of Belgian Art in Renaissance and Modern Times," University of the Philippines, Quezon City; 3. "Bosch and Magritte: Imagery of Reality and Fantasy?, " De La Salle University, Manila; 4. "Masterpieces of Belgian Art from Van Eyck to Magritte," University of Santo Tomas, Manila; 5. "Suggestive Paradoxes: Symbolism and Surrealism in Belgian Art," Ateneo de Manila University, Quezon City; 6. "Tradition and Innovation in the Visual Arts of Belgium: From Compassion to Provocation?," National Museum of the Philippines, Manila | 2006. "Arte argentino," Ateneo de Manila University | 2007 In the Spirit of Linnaeus: The Tercentenary Lectures on Science and Art - 1. "In the Spirit of Linnaeus," Residence of Sweden, Manila; 2. "Carl Linnaeus: Exploration, Creativity and System," British School, Manila; 3. "The Art of Linnaeus: From Curiosity to Apotheosis," University of Santo Tomas, Manila; 4. "Linnaeus: A Creative Person in the Age of Reason," European School, Parañaque; 5. "Linnaeus: Nature Exploration and Knowledge Systematization," International School, Manila; 6. "Linnaeus and the Rara avis Phenomenon," Ateneo de Manila University, Quezon City; 7. "The Art of Classification: Linnaeus' Passion and System," Lyceum of the Philippines University, Intramuros; 8. "Classification: A Fundamental Tool?," Mahatma Gandhi International School, Pasay City; 9. "Nature and Art: Species Exploration in the Spirit of Linnaeus," De La Salle University, Manila; 10. "Linnaeus and Order: Nature and Its Architectural Projections," Far East Aero-Technological University, Manila; 11. "Linnaeus' Systematic Approach to Nature and Its Implications," Hoppets Stjärna School, Taytay; 12. "A Tribute to Carl Linnaeus as Homo universalis," Swedish Residence, Manila | 2008-9 Discovering Belgian Art - 1. "Belgian Art: Reality and Fantasy," Alliance Française de Karachi; 2. "Tradition and Innovation in the Visual Arts of Belgium," IFWA Center, Islamabad; 3. "The Marvel of Belgian Art and Its Diversity," National College of Arts, Lahore | 2010 Raisons d'être: Art, Freedom and Modernity - 1. "Variante o Cambia todo cambia," National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad; 2. "Exploring Pictures is Cool," International School Islamabad; 3. "Vers l'art libre et moderne," NUML, Islamabad; 4. "Art from Belgium," Residence of Belgium, Islamabad; 5. "Art in the Picture," Islamabad College of Arts and Sciences; 6. "Creativity in French Art," Beaconhouse National University, Lahore; 7. "French Avant-Garde Art," NCA, Lahore. Argentinean Art - 1. "Argentinean Art in Context," Arts Institute, Islamabad; 2. "Art from Argentina," International School, Islamabad. German Art - 1. German Art, Its Peculiarities and Transformations, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, Islamabad; 2. "The Artist, Modernity and German Society. Between Criticism and Approval," National College of Arts, Rawalpindi; 3. "The German Contribution to the Modern Visual Arts, 1500-1933," Quaid-i-Azam University, Islambad; 4. "Reality and Imagination in the Visual Arts of Germany," Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi; 5. “Art History. The German Case," Islamabad College for Girls. Shape and Meaning: The German Contribution to the Visual Arts - 1-2. "Looking at Pictures and Learning from Art" and "The Grotesque in German Art. Its Nature, Transformations and Importance in Aesthetics," Islamabad College for Girls; 3. "Modern Art," Post-Graduate College for Women, Rawalpindi; 4-5. "The Bible and the Visual Arts" and "Bible-inspired Symbolism in German Art," Khatoon-e-Fatima School, Islamabad | 2011 Gestalt Educational Program: Theory and Design in the Age of New Objectivity - 1. "The Gestalt Program as Meaningful Configuration," The Swiss Residence; 2-3. "The Theory of Perceptual Organization" and "The Bauhaus," Islamabad College for Girls; 4. "Gestalt in the Collage," International School Islamabad; 5. "La idea de collage y su relación con el todo integrado," National University of Modern Languages; 6. "Collage et intégration : La théorie de la Gestalt et les arts visuels modernes," Alliance Française d'Islamabad, 7-8. "Gestalt Theory and Bauhaus Design" and "The Interplay Form and Function in the Age of New Objectivity," COMSATS University; 9. "Artistic Expressions from The Golden Twenties," Seminaire des Arts; 10-11. "Gestalt and Education" and "The Bauhaus and the Emergence of Functionalism," Post-Graduate College for Women, Rawalpindi; 12. "The German-Swiss Contribution to the Age of New Objectivity: On Erich Mendelsohn and Paul Klee," Embassy of Germany, Islamabad | "French Modern Art," Alliance Française d'Islamabad
1979 Ministerio de Educación, Argentina; 1984 Casa de la Pintura Argentina, Buenos Aires; 1986 Galería RG en el Arte, Buenos Aires (hereafter B.A.); 1987 International Arts Exhibition, Shizuoka, Japan; 1988 Universidad de Belgrano, B.A.; Feria de Artes, Barcelona, Spain; 1989 Allianza Francesa, B.A.; Galerías Pacífico, B.A.; Bank of Boston Cultural Foundation, B.A.; 1990 Centro Cultural San Martín, B.A.; Banco Federal Argentino, B.A.; Galería de Arte Contemporáneo, B.A.; Banco Holandés Unido, 1991 Galería St Margaret, B.A.; 2003 Oakwood Premier Ayala Center, Makati City, Manila, Philippines; 2005 The National Museum, Manila; Alliance Française de Manille; 2006 Ateneo de Manila University; 2007 Residence of Sweden, Manila; 2008 IFWA Center, Islamabad, Pakistan; 2010 Residence of Belgium, Islamabad
1979 Cantegril Painting Award, Punta del Este, Uruguay; 1980 National Education Council Prize, Argentina; 1983 The Berlinerblau Prize in Graphic Design, Buenos Aires; 1987-88 Distinctions in Architecture, Universidad de Belgrano; 1988 Banco Francés del Río de la Plata Incentive Award, Buenos Aires; 1989 Distinction "Bicentenaire de la Révolution Française," Galerie La Porte Ouverte, Alliance Française de Buenos Aires; 1991 ABN-AMRO Bank Visual Communication Prize, Amsterdam, Holland; 1995 British Council Grant in Art History, London, U.K.; 2005 Embassy of Belgium in Manila Incentive Prize for Art-appreciation Lectures, Art Exhibit and Essay Competition; 2006 Ateneo de Manila University Certificate in Argentinean Art Diffusion; 2007 University of Santo Tomas Token of Friendship, Manila; Lyceum of the Philippines University Certificate of Appreciation in Sciences and Arts, Intramuros; Mahatma Gandhi International School Prize in Interdisciplinary Education, Pasay City; Feati University Token of Appreciation in Architectural Studies, Santa Cruz, Philippines; Embassy of Sweden in Manila Certificate of Appreciation and Laborum Praemia for "The Linnaeus-Manila Lectures and Competition Program 2007;" 2009 Prize in Education, National College of Arts, Lahore, Pakistan; 2010 Certificate of Appreciation in Workshop Activities, International School Islamabad; Certificat de Mérite, Francophonie 2010; Prize in Visual Communication, National University of Modern Languages, Islamabad; Laborum Praemia, Alliance Française de Lahore; Fatima-Jinnah University Token of Friendship, Rawalpindi.
1. "De cáscara y contenido," in Buenos Aires, Centro de Estudios para Graduados, Universidad de Belgrano, Mariano Akerman: De cáscara y contenido, September 1988
2. "Artes Plásticas," Diario del Viajero, Buenos Aires, 11 October 1989, p. 1
3. Buenos Aires, Banco Mayo, Mariano Akerman: Continente y Contenido (poster), June 1990
4. Chanca, Hilda. "Un jóven pintor" (interview), Clubs & Countries, No. 15, Buenos Aires, September 1990
5. "El hombre frente a sí mismo," in Buenos Aires, Centro Cultural San Martín, Pasos, de Mariano Akerman, October 1990
6. "Jean-Paul Girault interviews Mariano Akerman,” August 2005
7. Ramos, Machelle. "Interview with Mariano Akerman," National Broadcast Net, TV channel 4, Philippines, 18 November 2005, "The Morning Show" and "Teledyaryo"
8. Macaraig, Twink. Interview with Friedrik Agerhem and Mariano Akerman, ABS-CBN News, TV channel 27, Philippines, 23 February 2007, "Take One"
9. Abbas, Anwar. "Argentinean Painter Who is a Dab Hand with Brush," The Post, Pakistan, 6 July 2008, Islamabad News, B-2
10. Ishrat Hyatt, "Art Historian delivers Lecture at IFWA Fundraiser," International The News, Pakistan, 30 March 2010, City News, p. 20.
1. "Un poema de Jorge Luis Borges, ilustrado por Mariano Akerman," Revista EM, Buenos Aires, July 1981, front cover
2. "La bella y la bestia" (painting), in Monique Sasegur, "Mariano Akerman: Un mensaje vital," La Actualidad en el Arte, Buenos Aires, May-June 1986, p. 58
3. "Comunicación" (graphic design), in Dolly Dolinsky and Hilda Chanca, Enseñanza-aprendizaje: una experiencia comunicacional, Buenos Aires: Universidad Argentina John F. Kennedy, 1990, front page and p.1
4. "Your Honour, Una Auténtica Lady" (painting), in Diario del Viajero, 11 October 1989, p. 1. "¡Cómo te quiero!" (painting), in El Cronista Comercial, Buenos Aires, 27 September 1989, supplement "Ocio & Negocio," p. 1; "Tres a la Ventana" (painting), in Teresita Pociello, "Mariano Akerman," Óleo y Mármol, Buenos Aires, 12-23 September 1989, p. 3
5. "Piet Akermaan Rietveld" (architectural design), in Alfonso Corona Martínez, Ensayo sobre el proyecto, Buenos Aires: CP67, 1990, p. 83
6. "Mariano Akerman: Un Proyecto de Louis Kahn," Ideas en Arquitectura, vol. 1, no. 1, Buenos Aires, March 1997, pp. 6-9, illus.
7. "Piet Akermaan Rietveld" (architectural design), in Alfonso Corona Martínez, The Architectural Project, Texas: Texas University Press, 2003, fig. 16
8. "Flor de Ceibo" and "Constellation B" (paintings), in Jean-Paul Girault, "Les constellations intérieures: Mariano Akerman,"Alliance Française de Manille Program, October-December 2005, p. 3 B-2
9. "Homage to the French Revolution," in Pakistan, Raisons d'être: Art, Freedom and Modernity, March-April 2010.
Arte argentino, Aspectos grotescos del arte de Bacon, El juego de Bacon, Elisa Akerman, Francis Bacon y lo Grotesco, Gramática del Ornamento, Guarda la lengua, Langue et identité, Long Life to Death, Lucífero, Musée national des Beaux-Arts d'Argentine, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Argentina, Précurseurs des arts visuels en Argentine, Sinagoga de Santa María la Blanca, The Grotesque in Bacon's Instinctive Paintings.
1. "Un poema de Jorge Luis Borges, ilustrado por Mariano Akerman," Revista EM, Buenos Aires, July 1981, front cover
2. Sasegur, Monique. Mariano Akerman: Un mensaje vital, La Actualidad en el Arte, Buenos Aires, May-June 1986, p. 58
3. Buenos Aires, Universidad de Belgrano, Centro de Estudios Graduados, Mariano Akerman: De cáscara y contenido, September 1988
4. Pociello, Teresita. Mariano Akerman, Óleo y Mármol, Buenos Aires, 12-23 September 1989, p. 3
5. "Artes Plásticas," Diario del Viajero, Buenos Aires, 11 October 1989, p. 1
6. Liebermann, Silvia. Aguas Profundas, El Cronista Comercial, Buenos Aires, 27 September 1989, supplement "Ocio & Negocio," p. 1
7. Buenos Aires, Banco Mayo, Mariano Akerman: Continente y Contenido, poster, June 1990
8. Chanca, Hilda. Un jóven pintor (interview), Clubs & Countries, No. 15, Buenos Aires, September 1990
9. Dolinsky, Dolly, and Hilda Chanca. Enseñanza-aprendizaje: una experiencia comunicacional, Buenos Aires: Universidad Argentina John F. Kennedy, 1990, front page and p.1
10. Buenos Aires, Centro Cultural San Martín, Pasos, de Mariano Akerman, October 1990
11. Martínez, Alfonso Corona. Ensayo sobre el proyecto, Buenos Aires: CP67, 1990, p. 83
12. Díez, Fernando E. Buenos Aires y algunas constantes en las transformaciones urbanas, Buenos Aires: Editorial de Belgrano, 1996
13. Martínez, Alfonso Corona. "Mariano Akerman: Un Proyecto de Louis Kahn,” Ideas en Arquitectura, vol. 1, no. 1, Buenos Aires, March 1997, pp. 6-9, illus.
14. Ibid. The Architectural Project, Texas: Texas University Press, 2003, p. 50
15. Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Buenos Aires. "Conferencias. Ciclo sobre arte belga: pintura, música y arquitectura - Akerman, Bardin, Grementieri," Programación MNBA, April 2005.
16. Porteño el Filete, Carlos Santos (official website), Buenos Aires (20.4.2010).
1. Embassy of Belgium, Manila. "Art Historian Mariano Akerman's Travelling Lectures", 1830-2005: 175 Years Belgium, January 2005
2. Embassy of Belgium, Manila. The Belgian Contribution to the Visual Arts: From Van Eyck to Magritte, by Mr. Mariano Akerman, May 2005
3. Orosa, Rosalinda L. Sundry Strokes, The Philippine Star, Manila, 18 May 2005
4. Belgian Art Lecture, DLSU Newsletter, Vol. XXXVII, No. 4, De La Salle University Manila, 14 June 2005, Faculty News
5. Leon, Joel de. Lectures, Workshops and Events This Week: Suggestive Paradoxes, Ateneo de Manila University, 29 June 2005
6. Tullao, Jocelyn. “Masterpieces of Belgian Art from Van Eyck to Magritte,“ UST Museum of Arts and Sciences, University of Santo Tomas, Manila, 1 July 2005
7. Manila, The National Museum, Belgian Art: Images from the Belgian Collection in Manila & Here,There, Everywhere: Paintings and Drawings by Mariano Akerman, July-August 2005
8. Garcia, F.C. Istilo ng sining Belgium, tinakalay sa exhibit, The Varsitarian, vol. LXXVII, No.3, 6 August 2005
9. Acosta, Carmencita H. An Appointment with Art, What’s On & Expat, Vol. XXIII, No. 32, 7 August 2005, p. 12
10. Orosa, Rosalinda L., Significant Up-Dates, The Philippine Starweek, Sunday Magazine of The Philippine Star, Vol. XIX, No. 26, 7 August 2005, p. 15, illus.
11. Guia, Lady Camille L. de. Thomasians win in Essay Tilt, The Varsitarian, Vol. LXXVII, No. 4, 9 September 2005
12. Girault, Jean-Paul. “Les constellations intérieures: Mariano Akerman,” Alliance Française de Manille Program, October-December 2005, p. 3 B-2
13. Compass, 24/7 Nocturnal Navigator, Vol. 3, No. 4, Manila, November 2005
14. Les Constellations Interiéures, Circuit, Vol. 2, No. 2, Manila, November 2005, Exhibits
15. Girault, Jean-Paul. Les Constellations Intérieures Exhibit by Mariano Akerman, The Daily Tribune, Manila, 6 November 2005
16. Lerma, Ramon E.S. Arts: Mariano Akerman, The Philippine Star, Manila, 7 November 2005, p. F3
17. Ramos, Machelle. "Interview with Mariano Akerman," National Broadcast Net, TV channel 4, Philippines, 18 November 2005, "The Morning Show" and "Teledyaryo"
18. Mariano Akerman, The Foreign Post, Vol. XII, No. 667, Manila, 24 November 2005, p. 4
19. Les Constellations Intérieures: Mariano Akerman, Wins News, 24 November 2005
20. Salvan, Maryvonne. A la découverte d’un artiste !, EIS Letter (European International School Newsletter), Issue 3, 15 December 2005, PDF, p. 5
21. Markovic, Annika. "Events: Linnaeus 2007", Embassy of Sweden, Manila, 15 December 2006
22. Embassy of Sweden, Manila. In the Spirit of Linnaeus: The Tercentenary Lectures on Science and Art, by Mr. Mariano Akerman, Researcher and Lecturer, brochure, January-February 2007
23. Länkar - Links, Linnaeus 2007, official website, Sweden, 2007
24. "In the Spirit of Linnaeus," EU News (Delegation of the European Commission to the Philippines), Vol. 4, Issue 4, December 2006, p. 13
25. Jumnongjit, Rapeepat. In the Spirit of Linnaeus, Scandasia, 11 January 2007
26. Ultvedt, Inger. 60 Years of Diplomatic Relations between Philippines and Sweden and the 300th Anniversary of the Birth of Carl Linnaeus, Scandasia Thailand, 11 January 2007
27. Defensor, C. Jude. "The Light of Linnaeus," What’s On & Expat, 21 January 2007, Local News
28. Leon, Joel de. Ateneo Art Gallery holds Artspeak, Ateneo de Manila University, 22 January 2007
29. Jumnongjit, Rapeepat. Linnaeus's Series of Events To Be Continued, Scandasia, 1 February 2007
30. Banès, Xavier. Linnaeus 2007, EIS Letter (European International School Newsletter), January 2007, PDF, p. 4
31. Romulo, Beth Day. Win a Trip o Sweden, Philippine Panorama, Weekly Magazine of The Manila Bulletin, 18 February 2007, pp. 16-17
32. Macaraig, Twink. Interview with Friedrik Agerhem and Mariano Akerman, ABS-CBN News, TV channel 27, Philippines, 23 February 2007, "Take One"
33. Presson, Maria. Linné i Taytay, Hoppets Stjärna, Scandinavia, 6 March 2007
1. Alliance Française, Islamabad. Discovering Belgian Art, brochure, 20 May 2008
2. Tchikovani, Alexandre. "Conference," Alliance Française de Karachi, May-June 2008, p. 11, illus.
3. Danka Team, Art Historian Mariano Akerman revealing the Originality and Singularity of Belgian Masterpieces, Danka, Karachi, 13 June 2008
4. Time Out: Today, The Daily Times, Vol. V, No. 163, Karachi, 13 June 2008, sect. B, p. 2, illus.
5. Hussain, Shahid. The Discovery of Belgian Art, Doodh Patti, 13 June 2008
6. Peerzada, Salman. Karachi: Between Reality and Fantasy, Dawn News, Karachi, 14 June 2008
7. Art-Appreciation Lecture by Mariano Akerman: Discovering Belgian Art, Alliance Française d’Islamabad, 18 June 2008, Cultural Activities
8. Soriano, Mylene. "June 26: Discovering Belgian Art," United Nations Community Bulletin, Islamabad, Vol. 12, No. 13, June 2008, p. 1
9. "Engagements: Belgian Art," Dawn Metropolitan, Islamabad, 26 June 2008, p. 19, illus.
10. Malik, Hasnat. "Lecture on Belgian Artwork," The Post, Islamabad, 27 June 2008, p.2, col. 3
11. Iqbal, Jonaid. "Art Historian highlights Cultural Diversity Genesis," Business Recorder, Islamabad-Lahore-Karachi, 27 June 2008, p. 8
12. Abbas, Anwar. “Artist endevours to promote Art and Culture," The Post, 2 July 2008, sect. B, p. 2
13. Ibid., "Argentinean Painter Who is a Dab Hand with Brush," The Post, Pakistan, 6 July 2008, Islamabad News, B-2
14. Discovering Belgian Art, by Mariano Akerman, Alliance Française, Lahore, 11 April 2009, Cultural Events
15. Lahore: Discovering Belgian Art, A Lecture by Mariano Akerman, Daily Times, 11 April 2009, supplement Time Out, p. 10
16. Rahim, Qudsia. Mariano Akerman: Discovering Belgian Art at the NCA Auditorium, Danka, Lahore, 11 April 2009
17. Alliance Française, Islamabad. Raisons d'être: Art, Freedom and Modernity, brochure, March-April 2010
18. Alliance Française and Embassy of Belgium. Islamabad, Residence of Belgium, Les raisons d'être, March-April 2010
19. In Sun Choi, "Art from Belgium, An art-appreciation conference by Mariano Akerman," IFWA, 8.4.2010
20. Hyatt, Ishrat. Art Historian delivers Lecture at IFWA Fundraiser, International The News, Pakistan, 30 March 2010, City News, p. 20
21. Ahmed, Issam. Report, The Christian Science Monitor, 2 April 2010
22. Kahn, Sophie Ali. Lecture by Mariano Akerman. Art Historian delivers Lecture to Students of ICAS, Islamabad College of Arts & Sciences, News (23.4.2010)
23. Barbero, Igor G. Un pintor argentino educa a través del arte en Pakistán, Noticias EFE, Pakistán-Cultura, 20.4.2010; online: ABC, ADN, ArteFe, Canal Patrimonio, Diario Vasco, Hoy, Ideal, La Rioja, La Verdad, Las Provincias, Sun-Sentinel, Terra, Univision (all retrieved 21.4.2010); printed edition: Diario de Ibiza, 21.4.2010, p. 46; Periòdic d'Andorra, 21.4.2010, p. 7.
24. "Manifestarse en Pakistán a través del arte," Noticias EFE, video, 20.4.2010 - MSN Latino, Diario de Bergantinos, ADN.ES, Salamanca en Directo.
25. Xornadas de Akerman en Paquistán. Entrega de premios ó mellor collage en Islamabad, Galicia Hoxe, 20.4.2010, Mundo (23.4.2010).
26. Barber, Igor. "Un pintor argentí educa a través del'art," Periòdic d'Andorra, La Tribuna (12.5.2010).
27. Embassy of Germany, Islamabad. German Art, Its Peculiarities and Transformations, A Series of Lectures by Mariano Akerman, brochure, May 2010.
28. Hyatt, Ishrat. Lectures Series on German Art, International The News, Pakistan, 14 May 2010, City News, p. 20.
29. "Pak-German Visual Arts Discussed," Daily Times, Pakistan, 27 May 2010
30. Dauth, Andreas. Deutsche Kunst ihre Wandlungen und ihre Besonderheiten. Eine Vorlesungsreihe von Mariano Akerman, Botschaft der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Islamabad, Mai 2010; German Art, Its Peculiarities and Transformations - A Series of Lectures by Mariano Akerman, The German Embassy, Islamabad, 28 May 2010, Education.
31. Director's Report, 2007-2010, National Institute of Pakistan Studies, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, December 2010, p. 33, 4.29.
32. Embassy of Germany, Islamabad. Shape and Meaning: The German Contribution to the Visual Arts, Five Educational Lectures by Mariano Akerman, brochure, November 2010
33. Dauth, Andreas. Deutsche Kunst - Form und Bedeutung. Eine Vorlesungsreihe von Mariano Akerman, Botschaft der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Islamabad, 3.1.2011, "Kulturelle Beziehungen"; Shape and Meaning: The German Contribution to the Visual Arts - Five Educational Lectures by Mariano Akerman, Embassy of Germany, Islamabad, 3 January 2011
34. Embassy of Switzerland and Embassy of Germany, Islamabad. Gestalt: Theory and Design in the Age of New Objectivity; A Series of Educational Lectures, Training Sessions and Workshops by Mariano Akerman, brochure, 25 October 2011, ill.
35. Islamabad, Embassy of Germany. Mariano Akerman: Bridging Cultures (excerpts from a note by Sara Mahmood), press release, 25 October 2011
36. Dauth, Andreas. Gestalt: Integriertes Ganzes, Experimentieren und Identität (Gestalt: Theorie und Gestaltung im Zeitalter der neuen Sachlichkeit), Botschaft der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Islamabad; Gestalt: Integrated Whole, Experimentation and Identity, Embassy of Germany, Islamabad, 28 October 2011, ill.
37. Hyatt, Ishrat. Gestalt Programme Launching Event, International The News, 22 October 2011, City News, p. 19
38. "The Ambassador of Switzerland ... held Reception Lecture of the Gestalt Educational Program held by Architect Mariano Akerman," Diplomatic Focus, Pakistan, Vol. II, Issue 8-9, October-November 2011, p. 70, photographs by Shabbir Hussain
39. Kahn, Faisal. Interview, Dawn TV, broadcast 25.10.2011
40. Abid, Hannyia. The Gestalt Program, SwissPak Association, October 2011, ill.
41. Naqvi, Almas Haider. "Other is the Same Side of the Picture," Dataline Islamabad, 22 October 2011, p. 4, ill.
42. Malik, Maqbool. Tradition meets Modernisation, The Nation, 24 October 2011
43. Malik, Gauhar Zahid. Embassies of Switzerland and Germany present 'Gestalt': Theory and Design in the Age of New Objectivity, Fifteen Educational Lectures by Mariano Akerman, Architect and Art Historian, Pakistan Observer, 3 November 2011, p. 9, ill.
44. Gestalt Educational Programme Concludes, International The News, 28.11.2011, City News, p. 14
45. Yusuf, Ilona. Enhancing Perception: The Gestalt Lectures and Collage Competition, Blue Chip Magazine, Issue 87, Volume 8, Islamabad, January-February 2012, pp. 16-19, ill.
46. Mahmood, Sara. Mariano Akerman: Bridging Cultures, Blue Chip Magazine, Issue 87, Volume 8, Islamabad, January-February 2012, pp. 20-24, ill.
47. Abid, Hanniya. A Passion for Hope through Imagination, Blue Chip Magazine, Issue 89, Volume 8, Islamabad, March-April 2012, pp. 18-24, ill.

1. Rio de Janeiro, Consulate of Belgium, Programa Estimulo Vesalius: Anatomia da Arte — A Obra da Arte como Estrutura Interdisciplinar Expressiva, July 2015
2. Urca, Rio de Janeiro, Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Escola da História, VI Jornada de Estudos Medievais: A Cultura Medieval para além da Cristandade Latina, ed. Paulo André Leira Parente y Miriam Cabral Coser, August-September 2015
3. Fernanda Míguez Bastos, O legado sefaradita nas artes visuais | El legado sefaradita en las artes visuales, Instituto Cervantes, Rio de Janeiro, September-October 2015
4. Iván Augusto Briceño Linares, "Educación: Llegar al hueso del asunto", A puerta cerrada, Bogotá, 25 September 2015
5. Mauro Band, Ciclo Acervo e Memória, Informativo ASA, 1 October 2015
6. Giovanni Maria Ponta di Colnago, Vesalius: O Homem no Centro, Instituto Italiano de Cultura do Rio de Janeiro, 5 Octuber 2015
7. Sara Gruman, Ciclo Acervo e Memória, ''Boletim ASA'', 26 October 2015: Novidades
8. Sebastián D'Alessio, Palestra "Sonhos de Pintores e Configurações do Imaginário" de Mariano Akerman, Consulado General de la República Argentina, Río de Janeiro, November 2015
9. Rio de Janeiro, Pontificia Universidade Católica, Em Diálogo: 50 Anos da Declaração Nostra Aetate, 3 November de 2015
10. Em Diálogo, Notícias PUC-Rio, 6 November 2015 (+)
11. PUC-Rio realiza seminário Em Diálogo, Assesoria de Comunicação Social PUC-Rio, Rio de Janeiro, 8 November 2015
12. Julia Cruz, ed., Em Diálogo, PUC Urgente, № 1281, Rio de Janeiro, 9-15 November 2015, p. 7
13. Olívia Nielebock y Dayane Barbosa, Diálogo, Jornal da PUC, Rio de Janeiro, 11 November 2015
14. Rio de Janeiro, Espaço Alcazar, Expressões em Copacabana, June 2016.

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Es fantástico. Comprendo muy bien de que amas el país donde vives y su gente. A seguir con tus trabajos maravillosos por la humanidad. Y sobre todo, sigue inspirando la gente.
"Mariano Akerman CV 2010" is being talked about on LinkedIn more than anything else on SlideShare right now. So we've put it on the homepage of SlideShare.net (in the "Hot on LinkedIn" section).
Well done!
Previous comment has been recieved via email and refers to the new PDF document, available at http://mariano-akerman.blogspot.com/2011/02/akerman-cv-pdf.html
Congrats, Mariano! :) beso, gab ~
¿Un argentino disertando en castellano, inglés y/o francés acerca de la historia y el arte de Francia, con los auspicios de la Alianza Francesa y en escuelas superiores y universidades pakistaníes? ¡Maravilloso!
¡Felicitaciones por tu amplia gama de publicaciones y reconocimientos!
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